1. Keating

    Yup. My life has the outline I hoped for but I am not nearly as wise, together or accomplished as I would have hoped for as a 35 year old woman/wife/mum. Sometimes the inner critic is loud but most of the time I can silence her when I realise I am happy.
    Great post! Love the new format.

    • Charlotte

      Thanks Keating! I know exactly what you mean – surely happiness is the goal anyway! Thanks for reading and I’m really glad you like the new site. SO nice to have it finally done 🙂

  2. L

    I turned 30 7 months ago, (which I just realised means I’m now closer to 31 than 30, ahhh shit!) and I haven’t quite shaken this feeling of being a failure off. It was nice to read this (to laugh at your jokes) and ponder the thought that maybe I don’t have to feel alone in this. Thank you Charlotte, you wrote this a while ago but it is still helping someone today

    • Charlotte

      That’s so lovely to know! Thank you for reading, and don’t worry, 31 is just fine, I promise 🙂 x

  3. Melvina

    I turned 30 in December and I’m not married, don’t have kids or a house and recently got financially screwed so I will most likely be moving home to live with my parents later this year. It’s so hard to not take on the pressure of society. But I can say this post has helped me stop crying for the night. Charlotte, I hope everything has worked out for you the way you wished. Thank you

    • Charlotte

      Thank you so much for reading and for taking the time to comment too. I’m so sorry that happened and am so pleased if this helped at all. I very much hope things get better for you. Hang in there.

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